Biggest new thing in Biotech? Maybe Fragment-Based Drug Design.

In between my stint in particle physics and career in AI, I enjoyed 12 years in drug design at CSIRO (Australia's Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization) and I remember a fascinating piece of work which came out at that time and got talked around the lab coffee room for a few weeks. It was …

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Why will Tesla end up with a multi-trillion $ market cap?

Anyone following Tesla would be aware of the controversy in valuing this company (currently around $150B), putting aside the coronavirus fears for a moment which we all hope will be temporary of course. With bulls like Catherine Wood's Ark Invest quoting an incredible $2.7T within four years and the bears and shorts predicting bankruptcy only …

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Can technology save the world?

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.Buckminster Fuller Sometimes I feel that the world has gone mad. When technologists and futurists and investors like you and me can see the solutions starring us in the face . . and nobody …

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